//                                                                      //
// This is a generated file. You can view the original                  //
// source in your browser if your browser supports source maps.         //
// Source maps are supported by all recent versions of Chrome, Safari,  //
// and Firefox, and by Internet Explorer 11.                            //
//                                                                      //

(function () {

/* Imports */
var Meteor = Package.meteor.Meteor;
var global = Package.meteor.global;
var meteorEnv = Package.meteor.meteorEnv;
var meteorInstall = Package.modules.meteorInstall;
var meteorBabelHelpers = Package.modules.meteorBabelHelpers;
var Promise = Package.promise.Promise;
var Symbol = Package['ecmascript-runtime-client'].Symbol;
var Map = Package['ecmascript-runtime-client'].Map;
var Set = Package['ecmascript-runtime-client'].Set;

/* Package-scope variables */
var Reload;

var require = meteorInstall({"node_modules":{"meteor":{"reload":{"reload.js":function module(require,exports,module){

//                                                                                           //
// packages/reload/reload.js                                                                 //
//                                                                                           //
var _typeof;

module.link("@babel/runtime/helpers/typeof", {
  default: function (v) {
    _typeof = v;
}, 0);
  Reload: function () {
    return Reload;
var Reload = {};
var KEY_NAME = 'Meteor_Reload';
var old_data = {}; // read in old data at startup.

var old_json; // This logic for sessionStorage detection is based on browserstate/history.js

var safeSessionStorage = null;

try {
  // This throws a SecurityError on Chrome if cookies & localStorage are
  // explicitly disabled
  // On Firefox with dom.storage.enabled set to false, sessionStorage is null
  // We can't even do (typeof sessionStorage) on Chrome, it throws.  So we rely
  // on the throw if sessionStorage == null; the alternative is browser
  // detection, but this seems better.
  safeSessionStorage = window.sessionStorage; // Check we can actually use it

  if (safeSessionStorage) {
    safeSessionStorage.setItem('__dummy__', '1');
  } else {
    // Be consistently null, for safety
    safeSessionStorage = null;
} catch (e) {
  // Expected on chrome with strict security, or if sessionStorage not supported
  safeSessionStorage = null;
} // Exported for test.

Reload._getData = function () {
  return safeSessionStorage && safeSessionStorage.getItem(KEY_NAME);

if (safeSessionStorage) {
  old_json = Reload._getData();
} else {// Unsupported browser (IE 6,7) or locked down security settings.
  // No session resumption.

if (!old_json) old_json = '{}';
var old_parsed = {};

try {
  old_parsed = JSON.parse(old_json);

  if (_typeof(old_parsed) !== "object") {
    Meteor._debug("Got bad data on reload. Ignoring.");

    old_parsed = {};
} catch (err) {
  Meteor._debug("Got invalid JSON on reload. Ignoring.");

if (old_parsed.reload && _typeof(old_parsed.data) === "object") {
  // Meteor._debug("Restoring reload data.");
  old_data = old_parsed.data;

var providers = []; ////////// External API //////////
// Packages that support migration should register themselves by calling
// this function. When it's time to migrate, callback will be called
// with one argument, the "retry function," and an optional 'option'
// argument (containing a key 'immediateMigration'). If the package
// is ready to migrate, it should return [true, data], where data is
// its migration data, an arbitrary JSON value (or [true] if it has
// no migration data this time). If the package needs more time
// before it is ready to migrate, it should return false. Then, once
// it is ready to migrating again, it should call the retry
// function. The retry function will return immediately, but will
// schedule the migration to be retried, meaning that every package
// will be polled once again for its migration data. If they are all
// ready this time, then the migration will happen. name must be set if there
// is migration data. If 'immediateMigration' is set in the options
// argument, then it doesn't matter whether the package is ready to
// migrate or not; the reload will happen immediately without waiting
// (used for OAuth redirect login).

Reload._onMigrate = function (name, callback) {
  if (!callback) {
    // name not provided, so first arg is callback.
    callback = name;
    name = undefined;

    name: name,
    callback: callback
}; // Called by packages when they start up.
// Returns the object that was saved, or undefined if none saved.

Reload._migrationData = function (name) {
  return old_data[name];
}; // Options are the same as for `Reload._migrate`.

var pollProviders = function (tryReload, options) {
  tryReload = tryReload || function () {};

  options = options || {};
  var migrationData = {};
  var remaining = providers.slice(0);
  var allReady = true;

  while (remaining.length) {
    var p = remaining.shift();
    var status = p.callback(tryReload, options);
    if (!status[0]) allReady = false;
    if (status.length > 1 && p.name) migrationData[p.name] = status[1];

  if (allReady || options.immediateMigration) return migrationData;else return null;
}; // Options are:
//  - immediateMigration: true if the page will be reloaded immediately
//    regardless of whether packages report that they are ready or not.

Reload._migrate = function (tryReload, options) {
  // Make sure each package is ready to go, and collect their
  // migration data
  var migrationData = pollProviders(tryReload, options);
  if (migrationData === null) return false; // not ready yet..

  try {
    // Persist the migration data
    var json = JSON.stringify({
      data: migrationData,
      reload: true
  } catch (err) {
    Meteor._debug("Couldn't serialize data for migration", migrationData);

    throw err;

  if (safeSessionStorage) {
    try {
      safeSessionStorage.setItem(KEY_NAME, json);
    } catch (err) {
      // We should have already checked this, but just log - don't throw
      Meteor._debug("Couldn't save data for migration to sessionStorage", err);
  } else {
    Meteor._debug("Browser does not support sessionStorage. Not saving migration state.");

  return true;
}; // Allows tests to isolate the list of providers.

Reload._withFreshProvidersForTest = function (f) {
  var originalProviders = providers.slice(0);
  providers = [];

  try {
  } finally {
    providers = originalProviders;
}; // Migrating reload: reload this page (presumably to pick up a new
// version of the code or assets), but save the program state and
// migrate it over. This function returns immediately. The reload
// will happen at some point in the future once all of the packages
// are ready to migrate.

var reloading = false;

Reload._reload = function (options) {
  options = options || {};
  if (reloading) return;
  reloading = true;

  function tryReload() {
    setTimeout(reload, 1);

  function forceBrowserReload() {
    // We'd like to make the browser reload the page using location.replace()
    // instead of location.reload(), because this avoids validating assets
    // with the server if we still have a valid cached copy. This doesn't work
    // when the location contains a hash however, because that wouldn't reload
    // the page and just scroll to the hash location instead.
    if (window.location.hash || window.location.href.endsWith("#")) {
    } else {

  function reload() {
    if (Reload._migrate(tryReload, options)) {
      if (Meteor.isCordova) {
        WebAppLocalServer.switchToPendingVersion(function () {
      } else {


  "extensions": [

var exports = require("/node_modules/meteor/reload/reload.js");

/* Exports */
Package._define("reload", exports, {
  Reload: Reload
